Below is some general information and frequently asked questions. Have more questions? Contact us!
We work with clients across the lifespan from infants to the elderly.
We do! See our adult services page to see what we offer.
Our assessments are varied and highly individualized. At the assessment appointment, families are asked to fill out detailed intake forms for their child/family member in order to determine which testing instruments need to be administered. At the end of this appointment, the therapist will review the testing information and develop goals for therapy. You will receive a full report within two weeks of the assessment.
Comprehensive assessments typically last one hour and are completed during one visit. All assessments are highly individualized and are dependent on the client’s unique needs.
We are in-network with many commercial insurance companies as well as Medicare and Medicaid. We are happy to verify your insurance coverage and give you an idea of what you may owe based on whether you have met your deductible (or not) and your co-pay/co-insurance responsibility. Let our office staff know if you do not plan to use insurance and we will bill you a reduced rate at the time of the assessment. This is true for treatment sessions as well.
Within two weeks of the assessment, you will receive a comprehensive speech language report detailing performance on administered formal and informal testing. It will contain performance scores (if applicable), detailed descriptive summary of performance strengths and weaknesses, impressions, recommendations, referral for additional professional consultations (if needed), treatment goals and objectives as well as suggested remediation methods, techniques, and strategies.
This will be determined on an individual basis on request of the client.
Nope! Redmond Speech & Language got it’s start in Redmond but now provides services to all of Central Oregon with offices conveniently located in Bend, Redmond, and Prineville, as well as teletherapy via video-chat. Don’t know where we are located? Check out our locations page!
We try to accommodate all our busy clients by offering appointments during regular business hours as well as evening and weekend appointments based on individual needs.
We are a private speech and language therapy clinic located in beautiful Central Oregon, with offices in Bend, Redmond, and Prineville. We offer teletherapy via video-chat and home visits under special circumstances.
Redmond Clinic
(541) 668-3232
326 SW 7th Street, Redmond, Oregon
Bend Clinic
(541) 668-3757
444 NE Norton Ave #102, Bend, Oregon
Prineville Clinic
446 NW 3rd St, Suite 231, Prineville, OR 97754
Average therapy frequency is 1-2 time(s) per week typically lasting 30 minutes or 50 minutes based on individual needs.
The vast majority of sessions are individual. Social skills groups are subject to availability. Peer work/coaching is often implemented when working on social pragmatic communication skills. Teletherapy is available based on individual need and is covered by most insurance companies.
Therapy duration is dependent on a number of factors:
- Type and level of impairment (clients with significant disabilities such as cognitive impairment or autism spectrum disorders receive ongoing support and treatment vs. clients with articulation disorders, who are in therapy for a shorter number of weeks/months)
- Presence of maintaining factors (e.g., psychiatric diagnosis, other structural/functional deficits)
- Existence of additional support services (is the child receiving school based therapy, resource room, tutoring, etc.)
Please give as much notice as possible if you need to cancel an appointment. We realize things happen last minute, but as soon as you are aware that you will need to miss an appointment, please notify us (even if after office hours). Redmond: (541) 668-3232 or Bend: (541) 668-3757
Our mission is to provide evidence based speech and language services to every patient we treat. After research and based on years of experience, it is evident to us that patients make the best progress when seen consistently. Cancellations interrupt the progress of therapy and reduce the effectiveness of treatment. For this reason, families are expected to make every effort possible to attend scheduled appointments. Please see our attendance policy for a full explanation of our guidelines and procedures.
We ask that use your best judgement when deciding if your child is too sick to come to therapy. If they are sick enough to stay home from school or have had a fever of 100 degrees or higher in the past 72-hours, they should shift to teletherapy or cancel therapy that day. Let your therapist know ASAP and/or call our office for assistance: Bend (541) 668-3757 or Redmond (541) 668-3232.
Not unless that is your preference. We have toys in our waiting room for siblings and you also have the option to drop off your child/family member for their appointment and run errands/play outside in our backyard, etc. Individual treatment sessions are 30 or 50 minutes. The last few minutes of the treatment session may be used for family education, discussion and documentation. If you feel that you need additional time to discuss issues, please schedule that time with your therapist. This will prevent running into the next appointment. If you leave the clinic during your child/family member’s therapy time, please return 10 minutes prior to the end of the session to allow ample time for therapist to discuss the session and complete documentation.
Client progress is charted on an ongoing basis. Frequent reassessments of deficit areas are administered during the course of treatment.